Erwin Wurm
baumTRAUMbaum, August 2006
"I love my time, I donīt like my time" 2003
Technik: animiertes Digitalfoto, Video Animation
mit Text
von "fat car"; 8ī40īī, loop;
Fat car speaking:
I like my time
I like my time
I canīt stand my time
I canīt stand my time
I got kicked
Got a haircut
A gift of the sun
I wanted to take bones
I wanted a space cadet
And Bromo
I like my time
Because I love my time
Because I canīt stand my time
Once you dipp out crack runners
You might get cotton fever
Than I realised my hang up
Was I donīt like my time
I just donīt like my time
God, Iīm so hungry
I canīt stand my time
I canīt stand my time
I bacame a gangster
I wanted blue mist
I needed a friend
A bomb squad
I needed a joy stick
Because I like my time
Meth monster
Travel agent
Yellow jackets
I canīt stand my time
I canīt stand my time
But I love my time
I donīt like my time
I canīt stand my time
Hi Miss Emma
Hi Pullers
Hi Purple Hats
Hi Pusher
Hi Spoosh
Hi Tissue
Hi Dr. Feelgood
Up against the stem
I donīt like my time
I donīt like my time
I donīt want it
I donīt like my time
I canīt stand my time
No rat fink
No Uncle no
No dog
We need dog food
No police
No fink
No heat
We donīt need heat
We donīt need heat
I donīt need heat
I donīt need heat
I donīt like my time
I donīt like my time
No heat
I am hungry
Donīt panic white boy
Score white boy
Get up soft ball
Have a taste
Hi Puffy
Have a taste Pit
Have some sugar
Take it
Love your time
Love your time
Love your time
Canīt stand your time
Canīt stand your time
I love my time
I canīt stand my time
Because of the
Because of the
All lit up
Because of the
All star
I am ashamed of my time
I am ashamed of my time
I am embarrassed
I am sick
Because of my time
I am sick
Because of my time
I am sick
Because of my time
I am sick
Because of my time
Because of my time
Because of my time
Our time
Your time
My time
Their time
Bad time
Her time
Good time
Yes to the gin
Yes to the girl
Yes to the taste
Yes to the gamot
'Yes to the dyno
Because I love my time
Because I love my time
I hear and worry
I shit and feel empty
I spit and feel cool
I blow and cut on
I cut and blow
I cut and blow
I cut and blow
Turned off?
Turned off user?
Bride with peaches
Brian pills
Nurse with spikes
Hi Miss Emma
Broom with candy
Killer brother
Father with a horse
Friend empty
Friend with artillery
Black friend
Black father
Pull the boat
Yes biological
Bang in his face
No doubt anymore
Bang in his brain
Giggling he was giggling
Bang in his balls
dust blunt out
Bang in his dich
Bang in his ass
Yes biological
God Iīm so hungry
Explorers club
What a flash
What a flash
Clear up
Charge up
Clear up
Glue your brain
We love your time
He loves her time
They love my time
She loves its time
Heat over all
Heat in my heart
And no job
Or joy-pop
She is great
She is in the pure
She is ecstasy
She is mine
I am ecstasy
I am hers
I am no rat fink
I am full
I am fat
I am ugly
I am
But I love my time
Yes I can stand my time
I am no time
I am no mans time
God Iīm so hungry
Blue her eyer
Black holes and teenagers
I am embarassed
I am happy
I am sick
I am in love
I gag
He remembered on eday when he was a soldier
Fire everywhere
Purple caps flying around
And pig killers
He fell down on the earth not dead
Bur scared
Shaking for fear
And a firework Panama gold
Little bombs nice enjoyable
Crazy sexy
He saw himself kissing with great passion
I am back in time
He saw himself kissing with passion
He kisses the fridge
With an open mouth and tongue was out
But the fridge was closed
And than
God Iīm so hungry
How good I felt
Spread her legs
Her beauty
Spread her beauty
Her fragility
And than I thought what a coincidence to be here
And not be here at the same time
Not that I have doubts about what I see
But being conscious about me was sometimes not so easy
The soldier kicked back her ass
And got killed himself
By another soldier
Whatīs with the co-pilot
Flying to the channel
With Charley!
Cheap basing?
Yes and no
One day yes
One day No
Tomorrow yes
The day after tomorrow no
A loud and clear n o
God Iīm so hungry
