Tarek Lutz
as you like it
- November 2015
"as you like it"
Technik: Tusche auf Papier
Diese Zeichnungen entstanden nach dem Besuch einer Picasso Ausstellung
in München.
1969 born in Reutlingen / Baden-Würtemberg, Germany
1969 -1988 Childhood and youth spend in Metzingen
1988 school leaving exam ( base course art )
1989-1996 studied physics at the university Tübingen
1988-1996 freestyle skiing moguls
national ski team/ european cup/ world cup/ PRO tour US / France begin of
his creative career
1996-1998 works as a physicist at the Institute for Sience and Medicine in
Reutlingen (NMI)
1998 Freeride
skiing European championchips
1999-2005 living and working in Munich
2005-2007 living in Dresden living and working as artist and physicist
with infineon technologies in ebeam lithography and
2008 living and working in Dublin reasearch in sience at Trinity college
focusing on drawing/painting