Andreas Wolkerstorfer ANIMAlisch, Mai 2004 Titel: "face the animal" Technik: Holzschnitt Preis: Preis nach Vereinbarung Beschreibung: location: earth > Europe > Austria > Upperaustria > 4293 Gutau > Kefermarkterstraße 16 > ascom eurit 22 (0043 (0)7946 20061) bio: born 1964 in Salzburg, no kindergarten, no TV, studies in philosophy and german language in Salzburg, printmaking since 1997 things: Lavazza, Mac G4 (9.2), Epson Perfection 3200, Siemens A55 (0699 110 53 636), Holga 120 SF, Canon FTb (+28mm, +50mm), Canon Digital Ixus i, Photoshop, Adobe GoLive, Quark XPress, Firebird Grid M, Citroën Xantia TD, shirts from H & M, woodblocks from pear-wood